Komunikacijske vještine

Theoretical background

British parliamentary debate has been utilised in a number of state and regional competitions such as the World Universities Debating Championship and the European Universities Debating Championship, and it is especially popular in Great Britain, Ireland, Canada, Europe, Africa, the Philippines and the United States. Due to its wide geographical reach and its popularity in various populations, the British parliamentary debate format appears in several versions.

In Croatia it is often applied in the work of Croatian Academic Debate League which kindly gave us its materials for our preparations. Prior to the class attendance, the students should read those materials and prepare for the topic. The Croatian Academic Debate League’s handbook on the British parliamentary debate can be found here (in Croatian).

If you want to deepen your knowledge about the topic, please refer to excellent materials published by the International Debate Education Association, which can be found here.


Flynn, C. (2008). Debating Guide. International Debate Education Association. Text available here.

Marušić, B. (2006). Priručnik za parlamentarnu debatu. Zagreb: Hrvatska akademska debatna liga. (Handbook for Parliamentary Debate, in the Croatian language, published by the Croatian Academic Debate League). Text available here.